Complete synthetic genes with 100% sequence verification are provided in a customer-preferred or provided cloning and expression vector and ready to use in a variety of applications.
Guaranteed in 10 business days if the cloning fragment is within an acceptable level of GC contents (<70%) and with no complicated sequence repeat. If smaller than 500 bp DNA modifications, we will make the guaranteed full assembly within 5-8 business days.
If unable to be delivered on time, it is free but guarantee to deliver clones within a month.
Our Express Clone Services
Subcloning and PCR-amplified cloning services
Succeed in assembly of constructs up to six fragments.
Routinely assemble two or three DNA fragments.
Regularly create 10-12 kb DNA vectors, the maximal size up to 14 kb lenti shuttle vectors.
Typically finish the assembly within 5 business days.
Guaranteed in 10 business days if the cloning fragment is within an acceptable level of GC contents (<70%) and with no complicated sequence repeat.
If unable to be delivered on time, it is free but guarantee to deliver clones within a month.